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How Hannah prayed effectively


Kyle Wijnands

June 1, 2019


In 1 Samuel 1, Hannah desperately wants a son, so she started to pray. She prayed so hard that the priest thought she was drunk. God granted her request and gave her a son. 

  • Its time the church stops praying surface prayers. Hannah wept and cried out to God. God also wants us to cry and pray until something happens.

  • Praying in the Spirit is very effective, no demon in hell can block it. 

  • Hannah wanted a son, but God wanted a prophet. She didn't see the whole picture. She wanted a son and that is what she prayed for. Hannah did not know her prayers were opening the doorways of heaven and releasing a prophet anointing that would anoint the king of Israel. That her son would be part of the generational line in which the Messiah would come through.

  • It is time the church groans through prayer so God can bring a prophetic anointing.

  • We must keep praying for that one soul, that one soul could represent so much more than we know. 

  • We are one soul away from the biggest revival we have ever seen.

We must have: Desperation

  • Desperation brings a prophetic boldness.

  • We must not fall into religion and do the same thing over again and again and expect God to bless it. 

  • God is more interested in making us uncomfortable than allowing us to stay in our religious funk. 

  • We must repent of our complacency and ask Jesus to make us desperately want to see revival.

We must have: Boldness

  • Acts 4, the religious leaders threatened the apostles not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. They then prayed that God would give them boldness. The place was shaken, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they continued to speak with boldness. 

  • The enemy tries to get the church to operate in fear instead of faith. As soon as the church is operating in faith, Satan's kingdom is torn down. 

  • We must keep coming into agreement with how it is in heaven, so be it on earth. We are to release heaven on earth. 

  • There is so much anointing available when we get hungry and desperate for more of Jesus.

  • When we seek Jesus, we must seek His face, not His hands. The experiences will follow.

  • We must speak the Word of God, even when we don't feel like it.  

We must have intimacy with Jesus

  • It was once said, "If you feel like your fire is dying, then jump on the alter". Our lives are spiritually combustible. When we put our life on the altar in faith, it ignites something powerful.

  • Desperation always brings boldness. 

  • We must get into that secret place and pray.

Prayer will change atmospheres around us

  • If our churches are not changing people we might as well either pack up and go home. Or get into the throne room of God and seek His heart. It starts with repentance

  • The group of people that needs to repent the most is the church. 

  • 2 Chronicles 7:14 -If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. 

  • The healing of the land is contingent on the church.


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