When the Reached become the Reaching
Pete Bancroft
November 24, 2019
- Zechariah 4: 6-10
- It's not by our strength but it is by the Spirit of the Lord.
- Mighty mountains will not stand in the way and the walls will fall down. The Holy Spirit will remove all obstacles.
- Romans 12:1
- The Holy Spirit is a gift, we have to humble ourselves to receive a gift.
- We must humble ourselves and know that we need Him. He will then fill us with His Spirit, give your body to God.
- The Gospels and book of Acts church were accused of leading souls away. Don't trust what the World says about you.
- Let God transform you.
- Through Baptism all sins are washed away.
- God wants to give us the awesome gift of His Holy Spirit and dwell in us.
- We will not get the gift if we are trying to accept it in pride. He will give it to us if we humble ourselves.
- Matthew 4: 18-22
- Peter and Andrew are fishermen and Jesus said to them "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men".
-They dropped everything and followed Him, they were right in the middle of their lives.
- Matthew 9: 9
- Jesus told Matthew the tax collector to follow Him
- Matthew dropped everything and followed him.
- Matthew 10: 1
- Jesus called his twelve Disciples.
- Jesus gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out, heal the sick, and raise the dead.
- A Disciple is to be a follower.
- Apostle is to be one sent out.
- Mark 3:14
- Jesus appointed the twelve that they would be with Him and that He would send them out to preach.
- Jesus is reaching souls and then sending them out to reach more.
- Reaching souls is the defining principle of the real Church.
- Souls turn to God when they see brokenness and expressions of the heart.
- Thank you, Jesus, you have brought us back from the edge.
- Create a different atmosphere around you, one that stirs worship, prayer, and God's Word is received.
- People are reaching out to you because they have been reached. Then the next person can be reached.
- The Church is Kingdom focused not earthly focused.
- 1 Peter 3:15-22
- Sanctify the Lord in our hearts and always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us.
- We must worship Christ as Lord of our life.
- We will have a clean consciousness if our testimony, and life comes from the Lord.
- When we read the Word and it is confirmed in you, the Spirit will show you.
- It is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer from doing good than from doing evil.
- Water is the picture of Baptism which now saves us, not removing dirt from our body but the answer of a good conscience toward God.
- Try to reach souls in a gentle and respectable way. Never reach Souls by Condemnation.
- Jesus reached out opportunity by expressing faith, repent, and turn from your ways and come to me.
- There was conviction.
- Meditate on the truth.
- Psalm 119
- Living as I should
- Seek Him with our whole heart.
- We will meditate on your decrees.
- The mouth will speak His words, that will carry us through.
- Sat under their teachings.
- Through His Spirit brings us together. They were filled with His Spirit at Pentecost.
- There is a boldness that comes with the Spirit.
- How can we follow a Spirit God without being Spiritual?
- If it frightens you get a little closer, let Him touch you, and submit to Him and He will wipe every fear from your soul. He will bring peace.
- When fear is lifted it opens a portal of heaven to pour down and he will give us words to speak.
- There is unity in the Body for Christ. He uses the body to help one another and be Kingdom-focused people.
- The truth comes from the Word of the Bible.
- Spirit will completely transform us, transformed without the fingerprint of people.
- Husbands humble themselves to God and submit to Him. The wife will rejoice beside him.
- Satan is coming against Marriages and wants to destroy them.
- The church is here to preach salvation with confidence and boldness.
- We have complete authority to speak his Word.
- As the Church power and authority to speak over princes and Spirits coming against them.
- You receive the authority to preach once we take on His name at Baptism. By being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
- By putting on His name we receive the authority to use that power over spirits and principalities. They will crumble and have to leave and souls are freed up.